Independent Bespoke Risk Assessment

If you have a water system that heats or cools water with the potential to create an aerosol then you will need a Legionella Risk Assessment. Risk Assessments are now required for ALL hot and cold water systems in the workplace, including:

  • Universities, Colleges & Schools
  • Hospitals and medical centres
  • Local authorities premises
  • Offices
  • Housing associations
  • Charities
  • Hostels
  • Landlords in the private renting sector
  • Managing agents
  • Hotels & Guest houses
  • Sports & Leisure Centres
  • Caravan and camp sites
  • Residential care homes and nursing homes
  • Doctors surgeries, dental practices
  • Food processing plants
  • Shops

The key to controlling the risk posed by legionella bacteria is the undertaking of a risk assessment. If Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors call it will be the first thing they will want to see.
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In May 2010 the HSE issued a notice to remind duty holders of the requirement to identify and assess sources of risk for legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems, and take steps to prevent or control the risk by putting adequate controls in place and maintain and monitor those controls to ensure effectiveness.

This followed recent inspections of offshore installations, which identified significant failings in the control of legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems and resulted in formal enforcement action being taken against the duty holders concerned.

Again in May 2010, the HSE warned companies responsible for carrying out legionella surveys on water systems of the need to ensure that their work is thorough and accurate.

The warning followed the conviction of a Berkshire-based water treatment company for carrying out inadequate and misleading surveys at nursing homes in Blaenau Gwent and Powys.

With the above in mind you need to select a quality, competent organisation to provide you with a comprehensive bespoke risk assessment which will satisfy inspectors that you have complied with your legal duty.

To comply with their legal duties, employers and those with responsibilities for the control of premises should:

  • identify and assess sources of risk
  • prepare a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk;
  • implement, manage and monitor precautions
  • keep records of the precautions; and
  • appoint a person to be managerially responsible.

Steve Mount Associates Ltd will provide risk assessments and advice to allow you to comply with the current legislation including the new BS 8580‑1:2019 BRITISH STANDARD Water quality – Risk assessments for Legionella control – Code of practice and if you are a healthcare provider, the Health Technical Memorandum 04-01:2016 Safe water in healthcare premises Part A, Part B and Part C.
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Unlike many companies within our industry we are independent of any other water treatment/hygiene cleaning/disinfection or refurbishment companies, this independence allows us to offer impartial advice and integrity when carrying out surveys of legionellae in the premises of our clients. We have no vested interest in promoting chemical or cleaning solutions offered by many other water service companies.

We pride ourselves as having a vast wealth of experience in undertaking and completing risk assessment contracts for single or multi-site customers on a nationwide basis.

We will visit your premises to assess the risk from legionella bacteria and provide you with a report detailing where improvements are needed.

Your Legionella risk assessment survey and subsequent report and logbook will be undertaken and produced by our Legionella risk consultant and the report will be produced in a
standard format.

Follow up consultancy can be provided to assist the clients to continually manage the findings of the Legionella risk assessments should sufficient expertise not be available within the business.

The risk assessment will allow the site management to qualify or instigate any remedial works and to furnish the Responsible Person with the necessary site information for setting-up all risk control Measures.

The risk assessment will not only concentrate on the physical condition of the associated plant and equipment, the “hardware”, but should also assess any risk posed by the management and execution of the systems and controls systems in place, the “software”.

All recommendations made in the risk assessment reports refer specifically to the site which is surveyed.

Schematic diagrams will be produced for each property surveyed and will include schematic representation of all hot and cold water pipe work distributions including dead leg pipe works and associated plant installation/configuration.

The schematic diagrams will be based on a non-intrusive basis and will be based on pipe-work/plant accessibility.

Electronic photographs will be included in the report to illustrate the status and condition of the system surveyed and to highlight particular problems identified during the survey.

From all data and information gathered during the site survey, a listing of risk of Legionellosis priority will be produced for each site surveyed and a detailed remedial works priority listing will be produced in order to allow for the correct scheduling of all proposed works.

Our risk assessments reports are presented in paper copy and electronic formats.

For more information on our Independant Bespoke Risk Assessment services please complete the contact form, call us on 0778 752 4066 or email